Vorkin Not twerkin

Ti dai start lik avaiil, my inplunt beebs me a vake & I 1/2 2 rize up & prez ti buttn.

Nthn sme blac goo come 2 ti cup 1haz r8 n redi. I drinz ti cup all dwn, lik u sppsd 2,but i dis’icent, not dezent so’s i onli ptrendes but 4 realz i spit out it in @ ti dayz pre4 laundrys.

I ha to becom realz disdentz 4 i met hir, N I 1/2 2 telz u no twe ir kin!

So’s onli mi an hir 1day, but wi think 2morrows, wi be meni not like 2liv like themz musts us. Hir sayz, she vizir tha mi, nut natura so’s wi cannae loozna..

2be honest, frankli, 1nce think but hov vi looz be4, whys them tellz & us muzt? If not 2be natura, how in thi 1stest timez we looz?

Gotz to get & vorkin, no matterz 2 me & hir an no twerkin!

Thought about making one using emojis, as kind of a new language, but made this short, open dystopian love story instead for moments fun, if you just can read what someday we m8 speak like. 🤬🤔😉

Not the poem I read but the one I thought I vvould… Picture doesn’t fit this piece to me, not for this. 🙂

About the theme I’ve been thinking lately, of hovv language evolves and hovv it affects our concepts and minds. The less vvords, the smaller bits of one sentence thoughts, the narrovver the field of thought.

Finding a nevv vvord that is just so good, or those rare moments vvhere vvords do not yet cover vvhere your mind vvanders… Magic.

Maybe math is the extension, the best nevv language to comprehend stuff vvords and our perception can’t make sense of. Nevv language, song and simple tapping conveying thoughts?

And emotions, aren’t they a fundamental part of our communication? Language almost telepathic.

Thank you for this, such vvarm feelings and nice to see you all, a bit scary to be seen… This vvas our live Summer Vacation Bar End Gahering @ https://dversepoets.com/2020/06/25/open-link-night-269/

13 thoughts on “Vorkin Not twerkin

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  1. I was so pleased to finally see and hear you at the Google Meet, Anthony. I love the way you play with language and that you have written a dystopian love story, so different to the usual love stories, and a new perspective. I was a linguist many years ago and I had a friend, Paivi, from Joensu, who explained to me all those years ago that v and w are used differently in Finnish. Which is why I was able to decode your spellings. And I get what you say about Joyce and his use of language. Amazing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, yeah, very few words in Finnish have w, but we have ä and ö umlauts 😁like you know how to pronounce Päivi propaply too?
      Also, my computers double v is broken so I literally used vv for it on occasions I write (so usually) with my computer.
      And it was amazing meet, so warm and real good discussions are a rarity and so are groups like those visiting D’verse poets pub!
      Thank you for your warm, open welcome in your group of Regular poetoholics!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I agree! This is absolutely phenomenal writing! 😀 So wonderful to see you and hear you read today with Bjorn and the others on Google Meet!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Christ on a bike, Anthony, you twisted my head into some unknown space, with a language perhaps used by extraterrestrials, or fairies, or selkies. Very audacious and creative; like my cinemagenic poems–hard to read at first, more sensual than literary. Your “language” also remind me of some of the Edgar Rice Burroughs stories, So nice to have met you in our video chat.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. this started vvhen I noticed hovv “tvverking” could mean Tvvo of her kind, to lead people to that same notion I needed to create a small situation and some talk that vvould “tune” the reader into reading the vvords differently. Or number like 1/2 2 = Half to=have to.


    1. Or like hovv Joyce uses language in Finnegans vvake.. Don’t knovv hovv many times I’d need to read it to get it all, but yeah. VVoVV. Ian M. Banks has similar things, as does Graphic Novel VVarlok Alan Moore. He is using the language, pictures, colors and shapes and mythos in such vvays it affects hovv you think. Genius in my books, Alan Moore.
      Or only the fact that in most languages taking the vocal out vvouldn’t really bother reading.
      This vvas done fast, but vvith effort you could create some emoji esperanto full of VVTF, LOL, OMG language.
      all ready I sometimes don’t understand vvhat my 18 year old son is speaking of! VVhich is natural, but exceeded in speed and the Cultural Evolution is also affected and this tvvitter sound-bite thinking is vvorrying me really. To many this vvould be an effort to vvrite, let alone read..


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